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We appreciate your interest in ClimaGuard! Here are some of our news features, media references and guidelines for using ClimaGuard’s brand resources. You can download individual assets such as the logo, photos, or videos, or download the entire press kit.



ClimaGuard on Forbes

Why Now Is The Perfect Time For Female Founded Fashion-Tech Startups


ClimaGuard Flood Protection on The Drive

Engineer Invents Enclosure to Protect Cars from Flood Damage After Hers Got Totaled



ClimaGuard Flood Protection in Houston Chronicle


Tomlinson: Harvey-inspired entrepreneur offers affordable flood protection for cars 


ClimaGuard on Accuweather - Flood Guard


Storm survivor creates solution to save cars from flooding


  • ClimaGuard on Fox26 
  • Product designed to protect cars from floodwaters


    Texas woman’s new invention could save your vehicle during the next major storm

     Climaguard Flood Protection on Yahoo News

    This 2018 invention could provide inexpensive, portable flood protection for your car


    Houston entrepreneur has created a way to protect vehicles from devastating floods

     ClimaGuard on MSN News

    This 2018 invention could provide inexpensive, portable flood protection for your car


    Insurance Careers Corner: Q&A with Rahel Abraham, ClimaGuard



    Hurricane survivor launches black-owned, woman-owned business to protect cars from severe weather


    Our Founder

    ClimaGuard CEO
    Rahel Abraham is an experienced engineer and emerging entrepreneur
    who turned personal loss into an opportunity to solve a reoccurring problem.
    She founded the startup ClimaGuard LLC after losing her car to Hurricane
    Harvey flooding in 2017. In the wake of the devastation, she applied her
    expertise in project engineering to innovate a solution to the growing
    problem of vehicle loss due to major flooding. 
    Rahel bootstrapped her business after leaving her full-time job
    working as an engineer within the Energy sector in Houston.
    Driven by her mission, she dedicated herself full-time to laying the
    groundwork to create ClimaGuard’s signature product: a military-grade,
    reusable enclosure designed to protect vehicles and other valuable
    items from flood damage. 
    Rahel aims to build a business that benefits her community by minimizing
    financial hardship and environmental waste caused by extreme weather.
    Her goal is to create a product priced within
    everyone’s reach, ensuring that all people can protect their vehicles
    and home goods during extreme weather events. She is proud to be
    one of the country’s rising entrepreneurs building a brand as a way
    to tackle longstanding disparities and increase the representation of
    women of color among America’s changemakers and leaders.


    Below are our official logos, photos, and videos available for reference.
    In writing, ‘C’ and the ‘G’ are always capitalized
    Good: ClimaGuard
    Not so good: Climaguard, climaguard, CG









    Check all logos, photos, and videos of ClimaGuard for your reference.