Pet Evacuation Plan: Eight Steps to Get Started
We may be so busy planning for our safety in case of an impending natural disaster, that we forget that there's a cute dog, cat, or any other family pet depending on you. They are helpless and need their human to protect them from danger. We agree that pets are a part of our family, and want to make it easier for you to include them in your safety plan.
Here are eight essential tips we suggest for your pet plan:
1. Make sure your pet has a collar with your updated contact information on it to locate your pets faster.
2. Keep a leash or carrier to safely control your pets.
3. Have a current picture of your pet.
4. Find a place to stay such as hotels that would accept pets during a flood. Reserve it as soon as you learn about disaster warnings in your area.
5. Food and Water for each of your pets that are good for 1-2weeks. Treats to help them cope with stress.
6. Make sure your pet's vaccines are up to date since some shelters require to have it. Medication, first aid kits, and medical records.
7. Diapers and plastic bags for poop.
8. Towels to keep them warm.
Remember to keep your pets safe at all times because you are all they got!